Thursday 23 April 2020

When to seek a Throat Specialist?

ENT doctors in Mumbai are the healthcare providers who emphasize treating disorders and diseases concerning the nose, throat, and ear. From the collarbone and up is mostly cleared. As the name defines that ENT doctors are highly skilled in treating ailments of three senses, including the nose, ear, and throat.

Various signs and symptoms call upon to see an ENT specialist. Many conditions are not the same but can become a problem rapidly. Thus, it is a need to evaluate earlier.

A Call to ENT Doctor

Ears: The hearing impairment is both sudden and gradual, tinnitus, ringing, ear pain, drainage, vertigo or dizziness, and fullness in the ears.

Nose: Symptoms such as sinus pressure, congestion, alteration of smell and taste, nosebleeds, and snoring issues.

Throat: Symptoms include difficulty swallowing, throat pain, hoarseness, feeling like something is stuck in the throat, and the last is lumps on the neck.

It is advised to visit ENT doctors in Mumbai if you suffered from any of the above-mentioned symptoms.

Examples of Throat Conditions

  • Tonsillitis

This infection is a common issue. While we get older, the tonsils shrink and become less active. For some people, the tonsils stay inflamed throughout adulthood. Some people suffer from weekly to monthly episodes of severe throat pain. Though natural healing is available, consulting a doctor is a must.

  • Silent Reflux

The name suggests that silent reflux is a condition where acid from the stomach irritates the voice box. It is often done frequently without causing any heartburn. The symptoms include constant throat clearing, feeling a sensation, hoarseness, a sour taste in the mouth, cough, and postnasal drip.

Every patient, when treated with antibiotics for presumed tonsil infections, is often inflamed without a bacterial infection. It is significant to get checked by a throat specialist to ensure having a bacterial infection or not.

Six Strange Facts About Ears, Nose, and Throat

Many doctors who are specialized in the ears, nose, and throat (ENT) look after all the allergy, pediatrics, laryngology, sleep parathyroid, subspecialties, nasal reconstruction, neck, and thyroid surgery. These doctors deal with patients from every aspect. While ENT doctors in Mumbai go through earaches, neck cancer, and hearing loss, they come out with weird but interesting facts about ear, nose, and throats that one should know. Read on-

  1. Nearly 20,000 liters of air goes through the average adult’s nostrils every day.

  2. There are about 12 million olfactory receptor cells, which decreases with age.

  3. The nose plays a vital role in how we perceive taste. It is through brain stimulation with a singular sensation of flavor as a blend of a food’s actual smell, taste, and texture. The opening of a nasal passage contains the cells that perceive smell. These cells send information to the mouth by way of what is known as an olfactory referral. ENTs can contribute to healing smell and taste disorders.

  4. The nose grows with age. We get our actual shape of the nose at the age of 19. 

  5. The nose generates one whole liter of mucus each day. However, you end up swallowing almost all of the mucus formed due to the Post Nasal Drip.

  6. Earwax production is enhanced if you are scared or stressed. The ear glands, known as apocrine glands, help to secrete wax and are also responsible for your smelliest sweat. More you sweat in stress, the more earwax produced.

Thus, every human should know about such facts so that they know about their senses and must be aware of when they should consult the Best Ear nose throat surgeon. It is acceptable to know minor things, but professional help is fine to take care of your face parts before it’s too late. Take care of your well-being by consuming everything refreshing.

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